Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Features

Jacob Friedman, 2, of Telford, attempts to pick up at pumpkin at Brumbaugh's Farm in Telford on Tuesday, October 18, 2011.

Leave it to little kids to come to the rescue when you've been assigned features. My thought process was pretty much, "find a farm that's selling pumpkins. Find a small, cute child picking a pumpkin." Great success, and a nice little break from all the sports I've been shooting.

What's really starting to drive me crazy is that now that I'm shooting almost every day, I'm starting to get more and more critical of my work (not neccessarily a completely bad or good thing). I can tell myself for each assignment 5 things I could have done better. It makes me wonder why I didn't do these things in the first place! Example: I wish I had gotten even lower to the ground to photograph Jacob, it's hard to see his eyes. Or maybe even lower as if we were looking through the seems that sometimes I get so worried about a deadline that I try to shoot something good instead of something awesome.

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