Saturday, June 9, 2012

Journeys Backyard BBQ Tour

Journeys Backyard BBQ Tour

Today was madness. I taste like salt and sun block. I need a nap. Too tired to offer commentary yet. Also, this is only half of what I want to edit from today.

One week later....
Alright. So this was probably hands down the coolest assignment The Times Herald has had to offer me. I'm so thankful that the King of Prussia Mall (the largest mall on the East Coast) is about 5 minutes down the road from our office. It was pretty exhilarating walking past the barricades to stand up on the ramps the athletes were flying off. A few times the bikers were literally inches from my face. I tried not to flinch too hard haha.

I just got so caught up in the energy of the day. Not only were there all these extreme sports athletes performing tricks and engaging in signing sessions, there was also a large stage for a battle of the bands. I got to shoot from behind the bands (which were all local, punk teen geared bands but whatever-brought me back to my high school years) and across to the crowd, which made for an interesting perspective.

Converse was also there, holding a "Punk Your Chucks" event where kids could come and decorate a pair of Converses. The winning design will actually be used by Converse whereas the rest will be donated to needy children.

(Random thought- I used to think photographers that shot events with two cameras were showoffs but now I see the amazing benefits of lugging all that equipment around, even though I still travel as lightly as possible.)

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