Monday, June 25, 2012

Ugly 'Ducklings'

My mom discovered baby birdies in our backyard today! So cute, didn't make a peep, they just raised their beaks up out of the nest waiting for their mom to come back and feed them. 

How can something so unattractive be so cute at the same time??

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Krista Parrish Perform's at Chaplin's Music Cafe

The Krista Parrish Trio perform at Chaplin's Music Cafe in Spring City Saturday, June 16, 2012. Photo by Christine Reckner

"On paper, Krista Parrish is an extremely gifted singer-songwriter...on paper. In the realm of aural resonance, The Krista Parrish Trio defies categorization and is a wildfire of musical expression. Her songs are more like miniature tone poems than radio-friendly singles, in that musical statements are permitted to breathe and grow with defined ambience. As a package, Playing with Pendulums barrels through an array of emotions: frustration, joy, sorrow, hope, bitterness, and even Fahrvergnügen.
Vocally, Parrish sings with the conviction of Carole King, the bold urgency of Adele, the histrionic mysticism of Stevie Nicks, and the delicate prose of Joan Baez. But she is doing much more than singing words; her voice also acts as an instrument, accompanying the "trio" and enhancing the compositions into the realm of "quartet." She treats the music less like mathematical orchestration and more as giving life to timbre-legged, pop/soul-hearted children. Each song is birthed as the elements weave together in their own organic DNA strand - from the neo-jazz drumming and the progressive rock bass runs to Parrish's potent guitar work and the aforementioned lustrous vocals.
To call her a folk musician would be demeaning, and to call her a singer/songwriter would be offensive. Parrish is one of a dying breed of true musicians who can encompass traits of several genres in one composition without kowtowing to the conventions of any one, all the while retaining a sense of ownership and individuality. This is the first album of "music for music's sake" that I have heard in a very, very long time." -Music Emissions, Mark Morton

The first time I saw Krista perform was in my living room. Krista is my dad's guitar teacher. Her technique is absolutely brilliant. I'm not going to pretend to know much about playing the guitar but I will say her performance was hypnotic. I found myself first entranced by her ability to pluck the strings of her guitar and then enclosed in a sleepy dreamlike setting, dozing off with my arms hanging over the banister I was looking down from.

Over the years I've begun to actually enjoy watching live performers as opposed to simply listening to them. Adding the visual gives the experience an extra kick the head unit in your car just can't pull off.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Journeys Backyard BBQ Tour

Journeys Backyard BBQ Tour

Today was madness. I taste like salt and sun block. I need a nap. Too tired to offer commentary yet. Also, this is only half of what I want to edit from today.

One week later....
Alright. So this was probably hands down the coolest assignment The Times Herald has had to offer me. I'm so thankful that the King of Prussia Mall (the largest mall on the East Coast) is about 5 minutes down the road from our office. It was pretty exhilarating walking past the barricades to stand up on the ramps the athletes were flying off. A few times the bikers were literally inches from my face. I tried not to flinch too hard haha.

I just got so caught up in the energy of the day. Not only were there all these extreme sports athletes performing tricks and engaging in signing sessions, there was also a large stage for a battle of the bands. I got to shoot from behind the bands (which were all local, punk teen geared bands but whatever-brought me back to my high school years) and across to the crowd, which made for an interesting perspective.

Converse was also there, holding a "Punk Your Chucks" event where kids could come and decorate a pair of Converses. The winning design will actually be used by Converse whereas the rest will be donated to needy children.

(Random thought- I used to think photographers that shot events with two cameras were showoffs but now I see the amazing benefits of lugging all that equipment around, even though I still travel as lightly as possible.)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Journeys Backyard BBQ Tour Preview


Here's a taste of what you'll see tomorrow if you come out to the Journey's Backyard Barbeque Tour tomorrow at the King of Prussia Mall (or if you just check out my blog). These guys were awesome.