Friday, November 4, 2011

First Week on the Job

My first week at the Times Herald has definitely been an eye opening experience. I realize now what I've been missing out on these months I've been freelancing. Human contact, for one. When I freelance, I drive to my assignment and then come right back home to edit. I really enjoy coming into an office and working with other people with similar interests and skills to my own.

Another thing I enjoy is all the fun toys I get to take home, cameras, lenses, flip cams, net books, business cards even reporter notebooks..I feel like a real journalist now! AND my title isn't just "Photographer", my official title is Multimedia Journalist. I like all that that title encompasses. In addition to my shooting stills, I'm also once again shooting short videos, making slideshows, and will even be brushing up on my writing.

And the most important thing is that I'm really learning a lot. The other photographers here have been showing me a ton over the past few days, in fact, my head feels a little like it's going to explode. But that's a good thing, in some sense. I've needed this after my long hiatus from school.

One thing that's a little tricky to learn is that I've got to edit my photos to light almost to the point where they're uncomfortably washed out because the photos are going to look differently in print than from what I see on my computer screen. I've always been told to raise the levels and high lights but it seems now I've really gotta bump it up a notch.

Oh yeah, and in case you were interested, these photos are from Plymouth Whitemarsh's homecoming football game.

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