Back in college, I had a professor that almost ruined the joy of writing for me. The class was called Comm260w, Reporting Methods. I majored in journalism because I like to write (mostly about myself through personal essays because what else do I know more about than my own life). Anyways, journalism right? Wrong. Inverted pyramids, nut grafs, datelines. I wanted to pull my hair out by spring break. It wasn't about giving our readers some entertaining little story, it was about informing them. Every time I tried to add my own spin on a story, I was literally reprimanded for adding any bit of creativity. Stick to the facts, I was told, nothing more.
So anyways, after months of searching for my dream job, I have been offered a compromise. Starting two weeks from this past Monday, I am hanging up my Nikon equipment and trading it for the AP Stylebook. I've been offered a job as an Associate Editor (is that not supposed to be capitalized? Oh well, I want it to be) with, wait for it, Construction Equipment Guide.
Now I know what you're thinking because I've been thinking the same thing. Yes I didn't get into the world of writing and editing so that I could tell stories about excavators. BUT, for right now I'm ok with that. Not only am I being given a normal Monday-Friday 9-5 ish shift, but I can finally afford to move out! Thank God I have finally found a company that is willing to pay me enough to financially sustain myself.
Those are the two non-related career perks. OTHER perks include the fact that I really do believe I am going to grow as a writer and an editor. And a manager! I'm actually managing freelancers on the West Cost and in the Midwest. Of this country. And I'm going to get to write headlines and lay out the publication. It'll be just like all that scrapbooking I did back in middle school, except replacing Justin Timberlake with...well I don't know yet, considering I know nothing about construction.
I am 23 years old. This is my time to put myself out there and decide what I want. Do I want to be a photographer, a blogger, a writer, an SEO expert, a designer? How about I dabble in everything I can right now while I have the chance. Am I giving up photography? Of course not. I've just photographed enough borough township meetings and high school football games to last a lifetime. It's time to give something else a shot at consuming my 40 hour work week.
Maybe this is turning more into an online diary but I'll try to not sound whiny and actually offer substance. I just want to throw it out there that I'm feeling kind of inspired lately and that maybe my writing skills are going to start coming out of the woodwork.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Cancer Survivors Participate in LiveSTRONG Challenge
There are some technical difficulties, such as having to shoot directly into the sun, that took away a lot from this package. I'm also going to defend myself by saying it was a really busy Saturday and the time allotted just didn't allow for me to do it justice, but since I haven't updated in a while, I think I'll throw it up anyways because it was a well deserved event.
“This part of the race is always very passionate."
On Saturday, Aug. 18, approximately 4300 individuals participated in the first half of the LiveSTRONG Challenge, hosted by Montgomery County Community College. Saturday’s portion of the challenge included a 5k walk/run and a 10k walk/run; many participants didn’t choose one or the other, but both.
“What makes this event unique is 100 percent of the proceeds raised by participants goes directly to support our programs to improve the lives of all people affected by cancer,” said Rae Bazzarre, Director of Communications for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
Participants raised an estimated $2 million, all of which will go toward people affected by cancer, including friends, loved ones, caregivers and health care providers.
Bazzare states one of the reasons for the strong turnout is almost everyone is affected by cancer in some way.
“This is a disease that doesn’t discrimate between age, gender, ethnicity. It’s a disease that crosses all boundaries,” said Bazzare.
The runners and walkers, many sporting bright, yellow shirts with the slogan “Pick a Fight” were cheered on by the crowd in a course that began in the Morris Road lot and proceeded through Blue Bell Knoll, onto Plymouth Road Road into Lower Gwynedd Township and then back to the college via Normandy Drive.
Every cancer survivor that completed the race was handed a yellow rose at the finish line.
Sunday, Aug. 19, features 45- and 100-mile bike rides, as well as an appearance by Lance Armstrong.
by Christine Reckner
WHITPAIN — “For me, everyone crossing the finish line has a story,” Mary
Danielsen said as she handed a cancer survivor a yellow rose and
congratulated him.
“This part of the race is always very passionate."
On Saturday, Aug. 18, approximately 4300 individuals participated in the first half of the LiveSTRONG Challenge, hosted by Montgomery County Community College. Saturday’s portion of the challenge included a 5k walk/run and a 10k walk/run; many participants didn’t choose one or the other, but both.
“What makes this event unique is 100 percent of the proceeds raised by participants goes directly to support our programs to improve the lives of all people affected by cancer,” said Rae Bazzarre, Director of Communications for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
Participants raised an estimated $2 million, all of which will go toward people affected by cancer, including friends, loved ones, caregivers and health care providers.
Bazzare states one of the reasons for the strong turnout is almost everyone is affected by cancer in some way.
“This is a disease that doesn’t discrimate between age, gender, ethnicity. It’s a disease that crosses all boundaries,” said Bazzare.
The runners and walkers, many sporting bright, yellow shirts with the slogan “Pick a Fight” were cheered on by the crowd in a course that began in the Morris Road lot and proceeded through Blue Bell Knoll, onto Plymouth Road Road into Lower Gwynedd Township and then back to the college via Normandy Drive.
Every cancer survivor that completed the race was handed a yellow rose at the finish line.
Sunday, Aug. 19, features 45- and 100-mile bike rides, as well as an appearance by Lance Armstrong.
Monday, August 6, 2012
A Change of Scenery, Break to Wild-wood
A friend recently pointed out to me that I hadn't updated my blog in about a month. After my first thought (which was 'wow people actually read this?') I realized that I hadn't come across anything really blog worthy lately.
Over the past few weeks, I'll be honest, I've started to feel a little burnt out, mechanical even. Hop in the car, speed off to an assignment, take a couple quick shots, jump back in the car, sit in traffic, take some more shots, interview, video, hop back in car, repeat. Looking at my photos, I'm unhappy with the lighting, the settings, the shutter speed, sometimes even the subject. What it ultimately comes down to is my lack of time, which inhibits my ability to get closer to my subjects.
Over the past year or two I have gained an incredible amount of respect for photo journalists. Not to downplay what a wedding or portrait photographer does, but this is seriously tough work. I have found myself in front of burning houses, against caution tape, on top of roofs, under playgrounds, down the shadiest streets. I have stood in pouring rain, snowstorms, and sweltering 105 degree heat.
I want to be able to sit down and write more, edit more, take more time with my work. I don't want to be someone just cranking out work until I'm spent. I want each article, each photo, each video, to be a work of art, with real quality.
The skills I've gained are going to be invaluable, the ability to multi-task, to write on deadline, to quickly and efficiently conduct, process, and transcribe interviews, to play well with others, etc. They are going to take me to the places in this world I want to go..
Anyways, rant over. This photo up above is my boyfriend at Wild-wood Beach last Saturday. Needless to say, it was an amazing feeling to get away from deadlines for a week. On our last night we, along with my sister and her boyfriend, got a little dressed up and walked down to the beach. I set my camera settings, told them where and how I wanted us to pose and my sister's boyfriend clicked.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Ugly 'Ducklings'
My mom discovered baby birdies in our backyard today! So cute, didn't make a peep, they just raised their beaks up out of the nest waiting for their mom to come back and feed them.
How can something so unattractive be so cute at the same time??
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Krista Parrish Perform's at Chaplin's Music Cafe
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The Krista Parrish Trio perform at Chaplin's Music Cafe in Spring City Saturday, June 16, 2012. Photo by Christine Reckner |
"On paper, Krista Parrish is an extremely gifted
singer-songwriter...on paper. In the realm of aural resonance, The
Krista Parrish Trio defies categorization and is a wildfire of musical
expression. Her songs are more like miniature tone poems than
radio-friendly singles, in that musical statements are permitted to
breathe and grow with defined ambience. As a package, Playing with Pendulums barrels through an array of emotions: frustration, joy, sorrow, hope, bitterness, and even Fahrvergnügen.
Vocally, Parrish sings with the conviction of Carole King, the bold urgency of Adele, the histrionic mysticism of Stevie Nicks, and the delicate prose of Joan Baez.
But she is doing much more than singing words; her voice also acts as
an instrument, accompanying the "trio" and enhancing the compositions
into the realm of "quartet." She treats the music less like mathematical
orchestration and more as giving life to timbre-legged,
pop/soul-hearted children. Each song is birthed as the elements weave
together in their own organic DNA strand - from the neo-jazz drumming
and the progressive rock bass runs to Parrish's potent guitar work and
the aforementioned lustrous vocals.
call her a folk musician would be demeaning, and to call her a
singer/songwriter would be offensive. Parrish is one of a dying breed of
true musicians who can encompass traits of several genres in one
composition without kowtowing to the conventions of any one, all the
while retaining a sense of ownership and individuality. This is the
first album of "music for music's sake" that I have heard in a very,
very long time." -Music Emissions, Mark Morton
The first time I saw Krista perform was in my living room. Krista is my dad's guitar teacher. Her technique is absolutely brilliant. I'm not going to pretend to know much about playing the guitar but I will say her performance was hypnotic. I found myself first entranced by her ability to pluck the strings of her guitar and then enclosed in a sleepy dreamlike setting, dozing off with my arms hanging over the banister I was looking down from.
Over the years I've begun to actually enjoy watching live performers as opposed to simply listening to them. Adding the visual gives the experience an extra kick the head unit in your car just can't pull off.
The first time I saw Krista perform was in my living room. Krista is my dad's guitar teacher. Her technique is absolutely brilliant. I'm not going to pretend to know much about playing the guitar but I will say her performance was hypnotic. I found myself first entranced by her ability to pluck the strings of her guitar and then enclosed in a sleepy dreamlike setting, dozing off with my arms hanging over the banister I was looking down from.
Over the years I've begun to actually enjoy watching live performers as opposed to simply listening to them. Adding the visual gives the experience an extra kick the head unit in your car just can't pull off.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Journeys Backyard BBQ Tour
Journeys Backyard BBQ Tour
Today was madness. I taste like salt and sun block. I need a nap. Too tired to offer commentary yet. Also, this is only half of what I want to edit from today.
One week later....
Alright. So this was probably hands down the coolest assignment The Times Herald has had to offer me. I'm so thankful that the King of Prussia Mall (the largest mall on the East Coast) is about 5 minutes down the road from our office. It was pretty exhilarating walking past the barricades to stand up on the ramps the athletes were flying off. A few times the bikers were literally inches from my face. I tried not to flinch too hard haha.
I just got so caught up in the energy of the day. Not only were there all these extreme sports athletes performing tricks and engaging in signing sessions, there was also a large stage for a battle of the bands. I got to shoot from behind the bands (which were all local, punk teen geared bands but whatever-brought me back to my high school years) and across to the crowd, which made for an interesting perspective.
Converse was also there, holding a "Punk Your Chucks" event where kids could come and decorate a pair of Converses. The winning design will actually be used by Converse whereas the rest will be donated to needy children.
(Random thought- I used to think photographers that shot events with two cameras were showoffs but now I see the amazing benefits of lugging all that equipment around, even though I still travel as lightly as possible.)
Friday, June 8, 2012
Journeys Backyard BBQ Tour Preview
Here's a taste of what you'll see tomorrow if you come out to the Journey's Backyard Barbeque Tour tomorrow at the King of Prussia Mall (or if you just check out my blog). These guys were awesome.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Amber Rose Gets her Rose at Red Lotus Tattoo and Body Piercing
Although I have no tattoos myself, I've always found them very interesting. How does one choose his or her tattoo? Is there a special story behind it? How do you decide where to place it on your body?
Last Saturday I went with my friend Amber to a tattoo parlor in our hometown, Red Lotus Tattoo and Piercing, to photograph a tattoo she's been looking to get for a while now. She waited until our work schedules aligned (which took quite a few weeks) so that I could come with her. Not for the moral support really, she's no stranger to getting tattoos. No she just knew this was something I'd always wanted to capture after taking some shots of her getting her tongue pierced back in high school. This time it was a rose on her left hip, for her namesake, Amber Rose.
Her tattoo artist, Hayli A. Marquiss, was really nice and encouraged me to get up in her face if I needed to. So I did, shooting beside her, above her head, over her shoulder...I just wish it hadn't been a florescent light but whatever. Hayli (HAM) also answered a lot of my questions about getting tattoos, the kinds of people that she's met through her work, the kind of tattoos she's done, and what it really feels like to get one.
She asked me if I wanted to photograph some of the tattoos of the people she worked with. Although a nice offer, it occurred to me that photographing an already created tattoo just didn't do the trick for me. I want the process, I want to see the artist in action.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Woman's Best Friend at Norristown Farm Park
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Jessica DiMuzio and her Papillon Johnny Angel, co-authors of “Bark! Bark! Bark! for Our Park!,” hang out at Norristown Farm Park Thursday, May 17, 2012. |
Jessica was very camera shy and the second photo is a very rare one in which she actually looked at my camera. I was fine with that, she was very good at candid moments, kissing and holding her dog, Johnny Angel, who I could tell plays a huge part in her life. Her next story, she told me, is going to be based off the true story of how she recently saved Johnny Angel's new girl friend, a fellow papillon, from a puppy mill.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Third Annual Norristown Arts Hill Festival
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Arianna Prete, 7, of Norristown paints a picture during the 3rd Annual Norristown Arts Hill Festival Saturday, May 5, 2012. |
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Actors from the Center Theater Children's Play perform for children during the 3rd Annual Norristown Arts Hill Festival Saturday, May 5, 2012. |
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Mike Wood, of Bridgeport, works on his craft during the 3rd Annual Norristown Arts Hill Festival Saturday, May 5, 2012. |
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Earrings hang on display during the 3rd Annual Norristown Arts Hill Festival Saturday, May 5, 2012. |
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Dancers from Metropolitan Ballet perform during the 3rd Annual Norristown Arts Hill Festival Saturday, May 5, 2012. |
Norristown Arts Hill Festival Article by Christine Reckner
Art festivals are definitely one of my favorite types of assignments to cover because they're events I'd go to even if I wasn't working! Well that's not necessarily true for this week, because as soon as I finished I had to jet to Penn State to see my best friend graduate.
But anyways, seriously all those types of art, performing, dance, abstract, paintings, caricatures- and children amidst it all, with their bright, curious eyes make for the best subjects. There was a point during the day when I almost forgot I was working...but when I was also reminded of the reason I wanted to be a photojournalist. So much inspiration! I spoke with so many artists who, instead of pestering me to buy their work, instead showed me how to create my own!
This arts fest is only in its 3rd year, and that's also another reason I'm so impressed. Norristown, the city I work in, is not known for its arts scene. It's a town more known to my friends and to everyone else that's grown up near the area as more of a crime scene. Every week I'm meeting people that live here that are using all the resources they have to change their hometown's image and I think that, while they've still got a long way to go, they're certainly off to a good start.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
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